We look forward to seeing all Valley Regional Program students back on Wednesday, September 6, 2023!
VRP Back to School 23-24 Newsletter
Health Office Information
We would like to welcome our new school nurse to NVC, Ms. Nicole Borzone, to Northern Valley Central! She will be serving the students of Little Tots, SLICE, PIE 2.0, Valley and Summit Voyagers as well as Summit House.
Ms. Borzone has been a school nurse for 6 years in a variety of roles including community nurse for VRP and a nurse at the elementary school level in Old Tappan. She is currently working on her Masters in Nursing. If you have any questions please email Ms. Borzone at borzonen@nvnet.org.
Below are some reminders from the Health Office as we enter the new school year.
The following is required for September 6:
Up to date immunizations or exemptions (exemptions MUST be signed and dated)
Most recent physical form completed by physician
Emergency care plans completed by the child’s physician and signed by the parent
Medication Administration forms completed and signed by the physician and the parent
Pre-K: Mandatory flu shot prior to December break, for children up to 59 months/4 yrs and 11/12ths
Age appropriate Kindergarten (5 years): Need dTap/polio/MMR
Age appropriate 6th grade: Need Tdap, MCV (age 11-12)
Medication Administration:
Orders needed from MD
Permission form needed from parent/guardian
Medication must be supplied in the original bottle with a label from the pharmacy. Prescription label must match the doctor’s prescription. Additionally, please send in any other items for administration (yogurt, apple sauce, respiratory supplies, etc.)
Please do not send in any medication/supplements mixed in food or beverages
Please alert the Health Office of many medication changes or health changes
Rubber-soled, non-skid closed-toe footwear is safest for our environment
Please no flip-flops, open-toed sandals or crocs
Please find nurse contact information for your child’s assigned school below.
Harrington Park Public School
Nurses: Ms. Mary Goldstein and Ms. Kim Boyle
Contact Information:
Phone: (201) 768-5700 Ext. 38612
Fax: (201) 768-6394
Email: goldstein@hpsd.org/boyle@hpsd.org
Haworth Public School
Nurse: Mrs. Nancy Polifroni
Contact Information:
Phone: (201) 384-5526 Ext. 35117
Fax: 201-384-8619
Email: polifroni@nvnet.org
Northern Valley Central
Nurse: Ms. Nicole Borzone
Contact Information:
Phone: (201) 767-7224 Ext. 55130 or Prompt 4
Fax: (201) 501-7074
Norwood Public School
Nurse: Ms. Nicole Davila
Contact Information:
Phone: (201) 768-6363 Ext. 60053
Fax: (201) 768-0985 (please notify the School Nurse to expect a fax)
Email: davilan@wearenorwood.com
Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest
Nurse: Ms. Lesly Cabrera
Contact Information:
Phone: 201-768-3200 Ext: 13360
Fax: 201-256-3399
Email: CabreraL@nvnet.org
Important Upcoming School Calendar/ScheduleDates
September 25, 2023- School Closed for Jewish Holiday
October 9, 2023- 12:30 PM dismissal for students for Staff Professional Development
November 9, 2023- November 10, 2023- School Closed for Teacher’s Convention
November 22, 2023- 12:30 PM dismissal for students for Thanksgiving
November 23, 2023- November 24, 2023- School Closed for Thanksgiving
December 22, 2023- 12:30 PM dismissal for students for Holiday Recess
December 25, 2023- January 1, 2023- School Closed for Holiday Recess
Back to School Night Information & Dates
TIP Norwood Grades 5-8: September 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM
TIP Norwood Grades K-4 : September 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM
VRP Harrington Park: September 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM
TIP Haworth Grades 6-8: September 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM
ACCESS at NVD: September 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM
NVC: October 2, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Don’t forget to check out our PTO’s website! https://www.nvrpto.org/
Keep an eye out for pictures and updates across our program on our Live Feed, Facebook, Twitter as well as Newsletter updates on our website.
Here is our website: https://vrp.nvnet.org/o/nvcrp